Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Voqdr Tracking Device

1. What is the Voqdr tracking device?
The Voqdr tracking device is an advanced solution designed to track and monitor assets in various industries. It utilizes cutting-edge technology to provide real-time location and status updates for enhanced asset management.

2. How does the Voqdr tracking device work?
The Voqdr tracking device leverages 5G, 4G, and cellular networks to establish a connection with satellites and transmit data. It uses GPS and other positioning technologies to accurately track the location of assets, providing businesses with valuable insights and control over their operations.

3. Which industries can benefit from using the Voqdr tracking device?
The Voqdr tracking device is beneficial for a wide range of industries, including logistics, transportation, construction, manufacturing, and more. It enables businesses to track all types of assets including heavy equipment, trailers, vehicles, and high-value goods, ensuring efficient operations and asset security.

4. What are the main advantages of using the Voqdr tracking device?
The Voqdr tracking device offers several advantages, such as:

- Enhanced Asset Security: Keep a constant eye on your valuable assets.
- Improved Operational Efficiency: Optimize resource allocation, streamline workflows, and reduce downtime by efficiently tracking and managing your assets.
- Monitoring: Gain insights into asset location, movement, and operational status, allowing for better decision-making and proactive maintenance.
- Cost Savings: Reduce the risk of asset loss or theft, minimize maintenance costs, and optimize asset utilization, resulting in improved profitability.

5. Which networks does the Voqdr tracking device support?
The Voqdr tracking device supports a wide range of networks, including 5G, 4G LTE, and cellular networks. This ensures seamless connectivity and reliable tracking capabilities, regardless of the network availability in different regions.

6. How accurate is the tracking information provided by the Voqdr device?
The Voqdr tracking device offers high accuracy in tracking asset locations. It utilizes advanced GPS and positioning technologies to provide precise location data, allowing businesses to monitor assets with confidence.

7. Is the Voqdr tracking device easy to install and use?
Yes, the Voqdr tracking device is designed for easy installation and user-friendliness. It can be quickly installed on assets using various mounting options and comes with user-friendly interfaces for easy configuration and monitoring.

8. What is the coverage area for the Voqdr tracking device?
The Voqdr tracking device provides global coverage, ensuring that assets can be tracked and monitored anywhere, whether in urban areas or remote locations.

9. Can the Voqdr tracking device be customized to specific business needs?
Yes, the Voqdr tracking device is highly customizable to meet the specific requirements of different businesses. Our team works closely with customers to understand their needs and provide tailored tracking solutions.

10. What kind of support or customer service is available for the Voqdr tracking device?
We take pride in offering excellent customer support. Our knowledgeable team is available to assist you with any questions, technical issues, or inquiries you may have. You can reach us via phone, email, or live chat during business hours.

11. Are there any subscription fees or additional costs associated with the Voqdr tracking device?
Yes, the Voqdr tracking device operates on a subscription-based model. Please contact our sales team for detailed information about our pricing plans and subscription options.

12. What happens if the Voqdr tracking device is lost or damaged?
In case of loss or damage, we provide warranty coverage for the Voqdr tracking device. Please refer to our warranty policy for specific terms and conditions.

13. Can the Voqdr tracking device be integrated with other software Yes, the Voqdr tracking device can be seamlessly integrated with other software systems commonly used in the industry. Whether you have existing fleet management software, inventory management systems, or other tracking platforms, our device can integrate smoothly to provide a unified tracking and monitoring solution.

14. What regulatory certifications or compliance standards does the Voqdr tracking device meet?
The Voqdr tracking device meets several regulatory certifications and compliance standards to ensure product quality and adherence to industry regulations. These certifications may include CE (Conformité Européene) certification, FCC (Federal Communications Commission) compliance, and other relevant certifications specific to different regions.

15. How can I order the Voqdr tracking device?
Ordering the Voqdr tracking device is easy. Simply visit our website and navigate to the ordering section. Follow the instructions provided to complete your purchase. If you have any questions or need assistance, our sales team is available to guide you through the process.

16. What payment methods are accepted?
We accept visa and Mastercard. You can choose the payment option that is most convenient for you during the checkout process.

17. Do you offer bulk discounts for larger orders?
Yes, we offer attractive bulk discounts for larger orders. If you are planning to purchase multiple Voqdr tracking devices for your business, please reach out to our sales team to discuss pricing and available discounts at sales@voqdr.com

18. Can I track multiple assets simultaneously with the Voqdr tracking device?
Absolutely. The Voqdr tracking device is designed to support simultaneous tracking and monitoring of multiple assets. Whether you have a fleet of vehicles, a range of heavy equipment, or multiple high-value goods, our device can effectively track and manage them all.

19. Is there a mobile app available for the Voqdr tracking device?
Yes, we provide a browser based app that allows you to access and monitor your assets conveniently from your smartphone or tablet. The app provides real-time tracking information, alerts, and additional features for enhanced asset management on the go.

20. How long does it take to set up the Voqdr tracking device and start tracking?
Setting up the Voqdr tracking device is quick and straightforward. With our user-friendly installation process and intuitive interface, you can have the device up and running in no time. Depending on the scale and complexity of your tracking requirements, you can start tracking your assets within a few minutes to a few hours.

21. Cancel your subscription.
You can cancel your subscripton here: https://voqdr.com/a/subscriptions/login

22. Do you have a user manual?
Yes we do, you can download it here: https://manual.voqdr.com/

23. Fluctuations in precision
Our product may show a deviation of +- 20 meters. This variance can be attributed to reflections and mismatches between map data and GPS signals.

If you have any additional questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We are here to assist you in maximizing the benefits of the Voqdr tracking device for your business.